Ice Station Wolfenstein (Review)

22098813Title: Ice Station Wolfenstein
Author: Preston Child
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Action-Adventure

Publisher: Heiken Marketing
Release Date: May 2, 2014
Format:  E-book
Acquired:  Amazon Purchase
Pages: 212

Date Read:  December 1, 2014
3.5 Starts

Goodreads Description

Sam Cleave, reporter for a small newspaper, has seen better days. After his partner was killed during an undercover investigation, he lost his passion for work and living.

But when a resident of a nearby assisted living home is tortured and murdered in a barbaric manner, he starts investigating. He is especially intrigued when a mysterious box is given to him that belonged to the dead man, but he needs help to interpret what it means.

He teams up with Nina Gould, an expert in World War II history. Soon the two of them realize that they are about to discover one of the best-guarded secrets of the war, It dawns on them that this would be the discovery of a lifetime, a discovery of immeasurable value, and a discovery that men would kill for.

They join an expedition, sponsored by an eccentric billionaire, hunting for gold and breathtaking art buried deep below the Antarctic surface. Instead of gold and stolen art, they find something terrifyingly disturbing beneath the eternal ice.

A team of Nazi scientists has made an amazing discovery. But experiments have gone terribly wrong. The situation gets out of hand, and before long the expedition members find themselves peering into the deepest recesses of the human soul. Nina and Sam realize that their only hope for survival is to unlock the secrets of Ice Station Wolfenstein.

My Review

Ok, I’m going to keep this one real simple.  This book was utterly unbelievable, but it was a fun read.  If you need a mindless rollercoaster ride, this is your book.  I am a fan of techno-thrillers and James Rollins is my favorite, but sometimes his books can get so heavy on the techno and science side, that I have to re-read some of it.  That was not the case with this book.  It was pure action-adventure fluff.  I gave it 3 1/2 stars with a round-up to 4 because I really had fun reading it.  Sometimes you just want fluff.

Please tell me what you think!